TC-sawblade TAC 107806848X
780x6,8/5,1x40 Z48 FZ/TR
4NL D-13/TK-114+140
reinforced design, balanced, black edge in the tooth area
special design for sawing open the kerf
MC: Schelling fm12
diamond cutting disc TAC 4045040501A
450x4,0/2,6x30 Z32 D501
2NL D-13/TK-94
Diamond cutting disc for GRP sheet materials
for Schelling FLM / fm6 / fk6
TC-sawblade TAC 103505054B
350x5,0/3,5x30 Z54 FZ
2NL D-13/TK-94
use: Special saw blade for grooves/angles in aluminum on panel saw
Please note the larger cutting kerf when installing for the first time!
TC-sawblade TAC 105003248C
500x3,2/2,2x50 Z48 WZFA
4NL D-13/TK 114+140
hardened blade body in the tooth area
use: thin kerf sawblade for engineering plastics
for MC: FTM
ALU cut high performance in a 5l canister
microlub "Biolube" oil for cutting
non-ferrous metals "heavy machining"
on plate saws
TC-sawblade TAC 104004058B
400x4,0/3,2x80 Z58 WZFA
2NL D-13/TK-94bis110 + 2NL D-11/TK-80
reinforced design, hardened blade body in the tooth area
fine-tuned for flange flange diameter 138mm
rotioanal speed 3450rpm
use: quality cuts for display plastics
HM Sägeblatt TAC 102002012H
200x2,0/1,6x20 Z12 WZ SLS
verstärkte Ausführung, gehärteter Blattkörper im Zahnbereich
gewuchtet und feingerichtet für Flansch 80mm / n=5600U/min
Anwendung: Vorritzer für Alu Honigwaben
MC: fm6, fm8, fk6, fk8, fh6, fh8

HM-edge scorer TAC 103003472A
300x3,35/2,8x30 Z72 WZFA
2NL D-13/TK-94
reinforced design
fine-tuned for flange 118mm, 5500rpm
use: finishcut coated chipboard
MC: Schelling ls1, fh4, fh5 / # 704565
HM-Vorritzsägeblatt TAC 103003830A
300x3,8/3,2x30 Z30 WZ kon AW
2NL D-13/TK-94, 2NL D-11/TK73
reinforced design, fine-tuned
scorrer for cutting kerf 4.0mm
Application: HPL, solid wood, plastics
MC: Schelling FXH, s45, fh4, fh5 / #704xxx
TC sawblade TAC 104004058C
400x4,0/3,2x30 Z58 WZFA AW
2NL D-13/TK-94 + 2NL D-10/TK-60
reinforced design,
hardened blade body in the tooth area
use: Quality cuts of solid wood
MC: Schelling fk4 fh5, fh6, fh8, s45+ / #704942
TC-sawblade TAC 105604848A
560x4,8/3,5x30 Z48 WZ
2NL D-13/TK-94
reinforced industrial design
use: performance cut
in coated chipboard and MDF
MC: Schelling ah9 / # 704616
TC-scorer TAC 102004636A
200x4,6/3,5x20 Z36 WZ kon
2NL D-11/TK-66, 2NL D-9/TK-62
reinforced one-piece design
use: scorer for chipboard
SB kerf 4.8mm
MC: Schelling ah9 / # 704614
TC-sawblade TAC 103504058D
350x4,0/3,2x30 Z58 WZFA AW
2NL D-13/TK-94, 2NL D-10/TK-60
reinforced design, hardened blade body in the tooth area
use: high performance for solid wood/plywood
for MC: s45, s45+, fh4, fh5
DIA-scorer TAC 101803812B
180x3,8/3,2x30 Z12 FZ kon
use: scorer for kerf 4,0mm
for MC: s45VR180, s45+VR180
TC-sawblade TAC 103803058A
380x3,0/2,4x30 Z58 FZ SLS
4NL D-13/TK-94+114
hardened blade body, polished finish for a low cutting pressure
use: aluminium honeycomb blocks up to 70mm
for MC: fm6, fk6
TC-sawblade TAC 105204454E
520x4,4/3,4x40 Z54 FLTR UT
4NL D-13/TK 94+114
uneven division,black edge in the tooth area
use: high quality cuts in
aluminum block material up to 140mm
for MC: FTM, fm10
TC-sawblade TAC 106205054B
620x5,0/4,0x80 Z54 FZ/TR UT
4NL D-13/TK-114+140
reinforced design, hardened blade body in the tooth area, finely balanced
uneven division for optimum running smoothness and cutting quality
use: hard and medium-hard aluminum alloys
for MC: FTM
TC-sawblade TAC 107806348B
780x6,3/5,1x40 Z48 FZFA/FZFA AW
4NL D-13/TK-114+140
uneven division , reinforced design,
use: technical plastics
MC: Schelling fk12
TC-sawblade TAC 102501736B
250x1,7/1,2x60 Z36 WZFA AW
WZ 11°, Fase 0,2x45°, shaft angle 5°
use: thin plastic boards
for MC: fk4, fk6, fm6, FLM
TC-scorer TAC 102205836A
220x5,8-6,8/4,0x20 Z36 WZ kon
2NL D-11/TK-66
reinforced design
for kerf 6mm
use: coated chipboard
for MC: FTH, ATH