TC-sawblade TAC 105204436A
520x4,4/3,5x30 Z36 FZFA/FZFA AW UT
4NL D-13/TK-94+114-122
reinforced design, uneven division
black hardened blade body in the tooth area,
use: power cutting in aluminum
MC: Schelling fm8, FTM / #704011
TC-sawblade TAC 105204436E
520x4,4/3,4x40 Z36 FZFA/FZFA AW
4NL D-13/TK-94+114
reinforced design, divisione irregolare
use: high performance for aluminium and copper
TC-sawblade TAC 105505036A
550x5,0/4,0x40 Z36 FZFA/FZFA AW
2NL D-13/TK114-122 / 2NL D-16/TK80
reinforced design, hardened blade body in the tooth area
use: high performance for aluminium and copper
for MC: FTM, FSM
TC-sawblade TAC 105604836A
560x4,8/3,8x30 Z36 FZFA/FZFA AW
4NL D-13/TK-94+114
reinforced design, hardened blade body in the tooth area
noise reduction by uneven division
use: high performance in luminium and copperr up to 150mm block material
for MC: fm9, am9
TC-sawblade TAC 106205536A
620x5,5/4,5x40 Z36 FZFA/FZFA AW
2NL D-13/TK114, 2NL D-13/TK-140
reinforced design, black hardened
blade body in the tooth area
use: power cutting in aluminum
MC: Schelling fm10, FTM / #704087
TC-sawblade TAC 106805536A
680x5,5/4,5x40 Z36 FZFA/FZFA UT
4NL D-13/TK-114+140
uneven division, reinforced design,
hardened blade body in the tooth area
use: high cutting performance in aluminum and copper
MC: Schelling fm10, fm12 / #704039
TC-sawblade TAC 107206048A
720x6,0/4,8x40 Z48 FZFA/FZFA AW
2NL D-13/TK-114, 2NL D-13/TK-140
reinforced design, uneven division
use: high dividing capacity in aluminum and copper
MC: Schelling fm12, FSM / # 704136
TC-sawblade TAC 107806348A
780x6,3/5,1x40 Z48 FZFA/FZFA AW UT
4NL D-13/TK-114+140 / 2NL D-12/TK-280
unequal division, reinforced design,
hardened blade body in the tooth area
prepared for saw blade crane
Use: high cutting performance in aluminum and copper
MC: Schelling fm12, FSM, AP 25 / 704137
TC-sawblade TAC 104804436C
480x4,4/3,5x30 Z36 FZFA/FZFA AW
2NL D-13/TK-94
Reinforced design, black hardened
blade body in the tooth area
use: power cutting in aluminum
and copper
MC: Schelling fm6, fm8, fm9
TC-sawblade TAC 107806348C
780x6,3/5,1x40 Z48 FZFA/FZFA SLS UT
4NL D-13/TK-114+140
uneven division , reinforced design,
hardened blade body in the tooth area
use: high cutting performance in aluminum makes especially short chips for extraction
MC: Schelling fm12, am12, AP25
TC-sawblade TAC 106805536D
680x5,5/4,5x40 Z36 FZFA/FZFA UT
4NL D-13/TK-114+140
uneven division, reinforced design,
hardened blade body in the tooth area
use: high cutting performance in aluminum and copper
for MC: fm10, fm12
TC-sawblade TAC 105304436A
530x4,4/3,5x30 Z36 FZFA/FZFA UT
4NL D-13/TK-94+114
reinforced design, hardened blade body in the tooth area, uneven division
use: Performance cutting in aluminum and copper block material
MC: Schelling FPM, fm9 / 704945
TC-sawblade TAC 104604436C
460x4,4/3,5x30 Z36 FZFA/FZFA AW
2NL D-13/TK-94
reinforced design, black hardened
blade body in the tooth area
use: power cutting in aluminum
MC: Schelling fm6, fm8, fm9 / #704092
TC-sawblade TAC 106805536F
680x5,5/4,5x40 Z36 FZFA/FZFA SLS
4NL D-13/TK-114+140
uneven division, reinforced design,
hardened blade body in the tooth area
use: high cutting performance in aluminum and copper
MC: Schelling fm10, fm12 / #704949
TC-sawblade TAC 106805536F
680x5,5/4,5x40 Z48 FZFA/FZFA SLS
4NL D-13/TK-114+140
uneven division, reinforced design,
hardened blade body in the tooth area
use: high cutting performance in aluminum and copper
MC: Schelling fm10, fm12 / #704949